The book of Leviticus is an
explanation of the priestly laws for the people of Israel. Today, there are
people who think the Leviticus text has little to no relevance for the
Christian faith life (after all, it’s a Hebrew text written for a specific
people, and a specific occasion). However, taking such logic to its natural
conclusion would lead most if not all scripture to be irrelevant (which ought
to be a concern for people of faith).
The contexts of the Levitical
Laws are not as irrelevant as some might think (myself included, at one point
in time). The Levite priests held authority over the people of Israel
religiously, medically, and judicially. They were the governing tribe of Israel
before the time of the Judges. What makes this relevant to a modern culture? If
your priest was your doctor, your lawyer, your judge, your educator, and your
religious authority, wouldn’t you pay attention to what they were communicating
to you?
The point is there’s more to the
book of Leviticus than most people know about and it’s all right there in the
text. Perhaps, my background in biblical scholarship allows me to catch things
most readers don’t (but I think there’s more to it than that). Context is
everything. The book of Leviticus is known for prohibiting same sex relations
(18:22; 20:13) but contextually it’s not talking about “homosexuality.” Those
famously prooftexted (pulled out of context, misused, eisegetical) verses are
talking about things done in the practice of idol worship to other gods. The
law of the Lord was for the people of Israel to be set apart from other nations
and devoted to their God.
Idolatry was the crux of Original
Sin – it’s what makes us sinners – it’s the most alienating and relevant aspect
of human nature. No matter what we keep or trim out (all Christians do this
with one biblical text or another) the book of Leviticus is super relevant. In
it we are told to love our neighbor (19:18), to respect the authority of the
Lord (18:30), not to oppress immigrants (19:33-34), to engage in religious
celebrations and services (23:4-8), to share our provisions with the poor
(23:22), and to remember what the Lord has done for the people of God
Remembering the work of God is
central to the Pentateuch (Torah) and to the Leviticus text, as the text
indicates how exile in Babylon 586 BC/BCE affected the people’s appreciation
for the work of God (26:34). It’s also a great reminder that whether it’s Jesus
in the New Testament or the priests in the Old Testament someone is reconciling
the people to God because we are unable to redeem ourselves (Lv. 15:30).